The biggest advantage every policyholder should know
15 November
Once you’ve taken out fully-underwritten life insurance, your policy terms and conditions cannot be reduced and your policy can’t be cancelled by an insurer. In fact, once you’re covered, benefits can only move in your favour.
Your cover can only get better
Unlike your car insurance, the policies we offer at OnePath are what is known as ‘guaranteed renewable’ policies – meaning that each year your policy is renewed, we must continue to cover you under the same terms and conditions. So regardless of whether your health has declined or you’ve taken up new activities, we cannot change what you’re covered for.
No matter how your personal risks change after taking out your policy, your cover cannot be revoked – irrespective of changes to your risk.
For example, if you’re diagnosed with diabetes or even choose to start base jumping two days after you take out your policy, you’re guaranteed to have the same cover, for the same price. In fact, you don’t even have to tell us about these changes.
An added benefit of this is that when we make improvements to policy terms that benefit you, we will automatically include them in your existing policy – at no extra cost.
There’s more…
If your occupation becomes riskier, you don’t have to tell us. But if you do, we won’t increase premiums, insure you for less, or change your benefits*. However, if your occupation becomes less risky, make sure you tell us as your premiums could be reduced.
The movement here is completely in your favour.
And more…
Look into future insurability, where you can increase your cover without any medicals:
once every 12 months if one of many designated trigger events occurs (e.g. you get married); or
every 3 years if no other future insurability increases have occurred.
The bottom line is, once we take you on, we take on the risk. So no matter how your behaviours change, you’re guaranteed the terms of your policy from the day you took it out. And, in some instances, you can improve your benefits, or reduce your premium, without additional risks or costs.
*For Business TPD policy, a change of occupation can alter terms of cover. Should you change occupation, you will need to notify OnePath. Please refer to the OnePath Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Terms for details.
OneCare is issued by Zurich Australia Limited (Zurich, OnePath) ABN 92 000 010 195, AFSL 232510. OneCare Super is issued by OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians) ABN 12 008 508 496, AFSL 238346. OnePath Life is not a related body corporate of OnePath Custodians. We recommend that you read the OneCare Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Terms available at or by calling 133 667 before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold the product.